Author: David Blake

Living On the Edge

7th January 2016

This document is produced by the Environment Agency and contains information regarding riparian ownership and responsibility relating to watercourses ea-living-on-the-edge

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Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

7th May 2015

Centre for Ecology and Hydrology produced information sheet inns-himalayan-balsam-control inns-canadian-pondweed-control inns-duck-weed-lemna-sp-control inns-nuttalls-pondweed-control inns-giant-hogweed-control inns-japanese-knotweed-control

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Invasive Non Native Species

4th March 2015

The table indicates watercourses maintained by Ancholme IDB in which Invasive Non Native Species (INNS) have been identified. Responsibility for control of these species lies […]

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BAP Guidance Notes

17th March 2014

arable-field-margins barn-owl drains-and-ditches environmental-stewardship entrainment-and-eels-v2 farmland-management-for-birds farmland-management-for-mammals floodplain-grassland harvest-mouse hedgerows lapwing pond-creation pond-management reedbed-creation-and-restoration rivers-and-streams scrubveteran-trees water-vole-idb-guidance-note wet-woodland

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