Committee on Climate Change report released today

Committee on Climate Change report released today makes sobering reading. The headline is the UK is not prepared for adapting to a 2°C increase in temperature however the world is now on course for a 4°C global increase in temperature as many countries are falling behind on pledged action.
Couple of key points relating to IDB function including surface water flooding, species and agriculture are:
The Committee advises little progress is being made in planning for and addressing climate change risk in key areas. These areas include, but are not limited to, farmland habitats and species; agricultural productivity; commercial fisheries and aquaculture; development in areas of surface water flooding; infrastructure interdependencies; health impacts from heat and cold; and risks and opportunities to businesses.
8 Effective plans, actions and evidence of risk reduction for adaptation are needed over the rest of this NAP period and beyond. (Departmental owners – Defra, DHSC, MHCLG, BEIS, Cabinet Office.
Timescale – by 2021
Adaptation must be integrated systematically into the 25-year Environment Plan goals and the Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS) outcomes. Actions that reduce vulnerability and exposure to climate change related to any of the environmental outcomes should be rewarded under ELMS.
The Environment Agency’s draft Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) strategy is a significant improvement over previous versions in that it sets long-term objectives to improve resilience to flooding and coastal change and is aligned with the adaptation gaps identified in CCRA2. Defra should approve the strategy and align its upcoming FCERM Policy Statement with the strategy. (Departmental owner – Defra.
Timescale – by 2020).